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 The Tour Of Taimu Mounta…
The Tour Of Taimu Mountains
        Taimushan located in Fujian Fuding City, mountains and the sea, the Han Dynasty period, there was a closure for the first 36 Taimushan mountains, the mountains there is also Dongfang Shuo wrote the "best in the world mountain" carved cliff, Zhu Xian legend every year this party once it has "sea Xiandu" of good reputation. Today the organization's activities for everyone Taimushan tour witnessed Taimushan style.
        Tangxia four hours by car from us to the foot Taimushan, surrounded by green hills, green water yo, well, too much to see a basking Goddess sculpture, which up to more than 100 meters, one white, and looked solemn, noble bearing, It is like the angels in heaven, awesome. Her palms were combined, facing the mountain, as being too basking Goddess of wisdom with her eyes always concerned about human sufferings of the people, with her compassionate mind the world face in the crowd at Purdue.
        After worshiping Goddess basking too, even really into Taimushan, the tour guide told us on the way, here is a Taimushan odd stone look different, vivid, three plus seven likeness imagine, is a pieces of pieces of wonderful pictures, which are after thousands of years of wind and rain erosion, naturally, absolutely not the slightest trace of chisels. Listen to her so that we can not wait to see what this divine nature for thousands of years. First, we see is the "peak of the couple," one high and one low two stones, from a distance, just like a real couple snuggle together. Tour guide told us, "the couple peak" bears a poignant tale: Once upon a time, there lived Taimushan foot Fang and Akin A young couple, they are industrious and simple, kind-hearted, easy life flies and the US United States, and, behold, Accidents will happen, the village has a rich man coveted beauty Fang, to occupy her concubine. A gold Fang lying down escaped, unfortunately, the way the two men separated. Fang nowhere, had became a nun, and Akin looking for three days and three nights, but could not find Fang, Wan Nian made under fear gray ordained a monk. A pair of gold and Fang was beaten hardy duck split up three years, but they are deeply miss each other. Finally one day, in Akin out alms when the accident met Fang, they recognized each other, locked in an embrace, burst into tears. Surprisingly, this time, the sky Lao happened through here, see the Buddhist net, a monk and a nun even hold together, which Whatever next. His Holiness does not ask indiscriminate, loudly denounced them, and ordered them to separate immediately, otherwise turn them into cold stone. This poor little husband and wife after the catastrophe, managed to see their children dreaming people, how can you share to open it? How can only listen to Lao intimidation it? Lao to see if they do not listen to your own words, extremely angry, these children of the poor people really turned to stone, is what we see today, "the couple peaks." After hearing this story, watch the look of fossilized couple, one on his back, as if in anger Akin to Heaven, grief stricken, and himself powerless, distraught; and the other obediently leaning against the side, as feminine as water, which is Fang incarnation, she has accepted such a fate, as if as long as they can keep in the side of love, would be sufficient. Oh, really God get people ah! While we knew that this story is only later series, in fact, such a tragedy have never had before, but we will still sympathetic to them, and in which the truth touched, but also give birth to "May the world lovers get married," the Good wishes.
    Taimushan odd second is that the long narrow "Sky." As the name suggests, "Sky" is what we see in the sky between two hills only one line width. How wide a line? We are in a small space which can be imagined. The tour guide told us that the water bottle placed horizontally width is the width we are about to walk past, really incredible. She also quipped, take the "Sky" we must learn to set "Taimushan gymnastics" There strangle hold, push-ups, squat, bow, bend, kick legs, abdomen, etc., she put it more difficult , the more we try it. Our party of twelve, so that the fat little walk in front of colleagues, always ready to do one "Taimushan gymnastics" and "kick the foot," if he is stuck in the middle, give him a kick, to help him kick into . Said "Sky" that point sideways width of only mineral water bottles really do not put too much, people can only sideways on the inside, feeling the cliff slowly moving steps, big belly who this time may be necessary to pay attention to "abdomen "the. Both sides of the stone walls have been smooth and clean tangible, visible walk past countless people. Go inside, looking upward toward the point of view, the wide expanse of sky usually only see a bright line, down through a little bit of light, we only have this little bit of light against the front row. "Sky", you can see the mountains sandwiched between two boulders, the stone is rolled down from the mountains, because too, was stuck in between two mountains, only to stay there "settled" the. When we approached them, afraid to speak loudly, but also not by pushing them, and all of a careful breath, bow, bend over, it seems that they are subject to a little bit of shock will suddenly pressed our heads ...... "Taimushan gymnastics" we all do it again, but that figure will look through clever colleagues also ran through. Farewell to the "Sky", we sang in unison, "folk songs like Spring River water" to show us through the joy, those lonely, a move can not move stones, hear our voices, we should also be envious freedom of chic bars, and also the number of years they will quietly aftertaste Ting Feng month leisure time watching it.

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